Bookkeeping4Restaurants Blog

The Benefits of Outsourcing your Restaurant Back Office

October 19, 2012

The success of any restaurant is dependent on many different factors. Naturally, the food must be delicious, the ambiance must be inviting, and the service must keep customers coming back for more. But while the front-of-the-house aspects often get the lion’s share of attention, the back office functions that support the business can be overlooked. And if you struggle to accurately monitor your sales, control your cash flow, or reconcile over/under balances your restaurant can quickly fall behind the financial curve.

Back Office Savings

Is it time to outsource your bookkeeping and controllership? The benefits are hard to ignore. Restaurants can find substantial cost savings by outsourcing. Cost savings upwards of 40% can be achieved. Using B4R, for instance, you get an entire financial team with years of expertise in the restaurant business for less than what you would pay for an in house bookkeeper. Plus, fixed-cost pricing makes it easy for smaller restaurants and independents to better compete with the larger franchise chains with more advanced financial infrastructure.

Team-Based Support

By outsourcing your bookkeeping and controllership you can take your business to the next level. This is because you immediately tap into a ready-made restaurant accounting department without having to build one of your own. You get a controller, a full charge bookkeeper, and a team of processing specialists versus having to recruit, interview, hire, and manage that extra personnel internally.

Restaurant Expertise

Owners and managers often struggle to find back office personnel with restaurant expertise. After all, running a restaurant, or chain of restaurants, has unique bookkeeping and financial challenges that must be understood and managed on a daily basis.  Our controllers, full charge bookkeepers and reconciliation specialists are experts in restaurant back office management. We’ve worked with some the most successful brands in the country and we bring that same industry expertise to you.

Take Things to the Next Level

If you’ve thought about outsourcing in the past, now may be the time to reconsider how it can make a difference to your bottom line. Bookkeeping4Restaurants is a complete bookkeeping and controllership service for restaurants. We streamline your bill payments, improve your cash flow, and process your accounts with an easy to use paperless system. Contact us today to learn more.

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